Announcement to The Shareholders
We hereby announce to the Shareholders of the Company that the Company will convene an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGMS“) and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“EGMS“) (AGMS and EGMS shall be referred as “Meeting“) on Friday, 10 June 2016.
The Shareholders of the Company who are entitled to attend or to be represented at the Meeting are:
- for shares that are not in a collective custody
The Shareholders of the Company whose names are validly registered in the Register of Shareholders of the Company on May 18th, 2016 at the latest until 04:00 p.m. Western Indonesian Time in PT Adimitra Jasa Korpora, the Share Registrar of the Company, domiciled in Jakarta, having its office at Rukan Kirana Boutiqe Office, Jl. Kirana Avenue III Blok F3 No.5, Kelapa Gading – Jakarta Utara 14250 or the proxies of the abovementioned Shareholders of the Company; and
- for shares that are in a collective custody
The Shareholders of the Company whose names are validly registered in the account holder or the custodian bank in PT Indonesian Central Securities Depository (“KSEI“) on May 18th, 2016 at the latest until 04.00 p.m. Western Indonesian Time or the proxies of such Shareholders of the Company. The securities account holders of KSEI under collective custody are required to provide the Register of Shareholders of the Company that they manage to KSEI to obtain a written confirmation for the Meetings (Konfirmasi Tertulis Untuk Rapat or “KTUR“).
Any proposal from the Shareholders of the Company will be included in the agenda of the Meeting if it meets the requirements pursuant to article 11 paragraph (9) of the Articles of Association of the Company and Article 12 paragraph (1), (2), (3) and (4) of Regulation of Indonesian Financial Services Authority No. 32/POJK.04/2014 on the Planning and Convening of the General Meetings of Shareholders of Public Companies (“POJK 32/2014“), as follows:
- the proposal must be received by the Board of Directors of the Company no later than seven (7) days prior to the date of Invitation of the Meeting which is on May 12th, 2016;
- the proposal shall be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Company by one or more Shareholders representing at least 1/20 or more of the issued shares of the Company with valid voting rights;
- the proposal must: (i) be conducted in a good faith; (ii) be to the best of the Company’s interest; (iii) include the reason of such proposal and material of proposal; and (iv) not contradict with laws and regulations;
- such proposal requires Meeting’s approval.
In accordance with the provisions of article 12 paragraph (4) of the Articles of Association of the Company and Article 13 paragraph (3) of POJK 32/2014, the Invitation of the Meeting will be published in at least 1 (one) Indonesian newspaper with national circulation on Thursday, 19th May, 2016, in the Indonesia Stock Exchange’s website and also the Company’s website.
Thus we convey, to be known by the Shareholders of the Company.
Jakarta, 4 May 2016
Company’s Board of Directors