TBLA Group provides on-going training and development. Each local site has its own policy on training, in line to local needs and labor laws. We also provide various global training programs, such as people management and leadership.
We consider information-sharing and open communication as keys for achieving our goals. All employees have the right and are encouraged to actively communicate with supervisors and colleagues. Two-way communication is also an essential part of regular and informal feedback and performance reviews.
We remunerate according to the skills, performance and experience of our employees, based on local competitive condition and practices. We provide our employee with benefits to help prevent and protect against illness and injuries at work. We also support out employee in building financial security for their retirement in accordance to local labor, social security law and market practices.
TBLA Group connects people as we recognize that diversity is a source of strength. Various backgrounds, cultures, languages and ideas of our people help us in maintaining a competitive edge through innovation.
Prohibition of Discrimination
TBLA Group does not tolerate discrimination in the workplace based on gender, race, age, color, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, and/or any other characteristics protected by applicable laws where TBLA Group operates.
No Acceptance of Harassment
We do not tolerate any mental, physical or sexual harassment, as well as other infringements that violate employee’s right, dignity and respect in the workplace. In case of any harassment, responsible TBLA Group supervisor has to ensure its termination and decides appropriate action to be taken. Employees are encouraged to report any harassment to their supervisor or HR manager immediately.
Forced and Child Labour
TBLA Group is against to all forms of forced labour. TBLA Group does not accept children employment, except under circumstances that protect their welfare and as permitted by law.
Health, Safety and Environmental Protection
TBLA is committed to protect Group activities. Equally, TBLA Group’s employees must comply with health, safety and environmental protection regulations applied in TBLA Group.
Employee Duties
All employees should respect TBLA Group corporate values and principles. They are expected to be committed to TBLA Group, to behave ethically and within the law, also treat fellow employees with mutual trust and respect.
Our people are expected to conduct their company business with honesty, integrity, and in a professional manner that holds the Company’s reputation. TBLA Group’s employees handle confidential information with care and behave in the interest of TBLA Group.
Employees should seek advice and direction when any company’s regulations or good business practices appear to be unclear.
TBLA Group is committed to uphold these employment policies and make it lives. The company expects all employees to act in accordance to the policies. If any employees suspect the policies are being violated, they should bring this matter to their Human Resource Supervisor immediately. The responsible TBLA Group supervisor has to take the necessary steps to terminate violation of any policies. No employee will be disadvantaged if she/he reports a violation or demands the application of this employment policy.
All TBLA Group’s Companies have to ensure the employment policies are properly implemented in their local employment practices and will ensure that all local policies are developed and communicated to meet the minimum standards. In determining the appropriate local employment practices, company has to assess the prevailing parameters and inform all employees accordingly.
Tunas Baru Lampung (TBLA) Group is committed to company principles and government policies that prohibit discrimination. The Management of TBLA Group has to direct all employees and the operation of all divisions to not discriminate on the basis race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, age, disability, pregnancy, or status as a disabled employee.
Harassment on any of the above stated grounds is a form of prohibited discrimination. This policy also prohibits retaliation for reporting possible violations of this policy, for cooperating with any related investigation, or for participating in such a complaint process.
Our principles:
The Managing Directors is responsible for the implementation of this policy and will make the necessary resources available to realize our corporate responsibilities. The responsibility for our performance to this policy rests with all employees throughout the company.
Tunas Baru Lampung (TBLA) Group is committed to maintaining a positive climate for work, in which individuals are judged solely on relevant factors, such as ability and performance, and can pursue their activities in an atmosphere that is free from coercion and intimidation. The TBLA Group Mission statement provides that the company “values a dynamic, employee-focused community stimulated by cultural and intellectual diversity and built upon a foundation of integrity, creativity, and openness to exploration of new ideas. “TBLA Group is committed to free inquiry, free expression, and the vigorous discussion and debate on which advancement of its mission depends. Sexual harassment is destructive of such a climate and will not be tolerated in TBLA community
The board of directors and Commissioners of Tunas Baru Lampung (TBLA) Group recognize the importance of providing all employee, visitors and contractors with a safe and healthy work environment.
Our goal is to prevent all occupational injuries and illness. The Company will seek to achieve this by :
TBLA Group will implement and maintain an ongoing occupational health and safety program, including conduction regular inspection of the workplace aimed at preventing accidents and incidents.
All managers and supervisors are responsible and accountable for the safety of employees, contractors, and company property under their control. Managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring all regulations, procedures, and safe work practices are followed at all times.
All employees are expected to :
We will ensure that every aspects of our activities is conducted in accordance with sound environmental practices.
We will achieve this by :
The Tunas Baru Lampung (TBLA) Group aims to foster among its staff, suppliers, customers, shareholders, and communities local to its operations an understanding of environmental issues in the context of its business. Our collective task is to ensure that we continually improve the environmental impact our total global activities.
By this policy TBLA Group recognizes its towards protection of the environment, and issues this statement as a commitment of both management and employees to minimizing the environmental impact of its operations.