Corporate Secretary
Corporate Secretary share Company’s information openly and ensures that the distributions of Company’s information is carried out accurately, clearly, timely, and completely so as to maintain as well as enhance integrity of the capital market and stakeholder trust.
Since 2005, the position of Corporate Secretary is held by Hardy.
Duties and Responsibilities
The tasks and responsibilities of the Company’s Corporate
Secretary are as follows:
- To act as liaison between the Company and the capital market regulatory bodies, the Financial Service Authorities (formerly known Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency), and IDX where the Company share are listed.
- To provide any information needed by the investors in relation to the company’s condition and convey pertinent information on the Company operations to the public, the capital market regulatory bodies, and other related parties.
- To provide suggestions to the Board of Directors so as to ensure that the actions taken comply with the company’s Articles of Association as well as prevailing rules and regulations.
- To coordinate the BOS/BOD meetings, BOC/BOD Joint Meetings as well as AGM.
- To assess company documents from legal perspective.
- To follow the development of capital market especially capital market regulations.
Program and Implementation
Throughout 2013, Corporate Secretary has effectively conducted its functions in regarding to:
- The Corporate Secretary has carried out a number of activities to share company’s information openly, which includes publication of newsletters, annual report, analyst/ investor gatherings and public expose.
- Dissemination of information about Tunas Baru Lampung to all employees, including on management’s policies and programs.
- Facilitating, taking minutes, and documenting the minutes of meetings by the BOC and BOD.
- Coordinating the General Meeting of Shareholders.
- Submitting mandatory reports as a public company to the relevant authorities, such as the Quarterly Reports, the Management Reports, the Annual Reports, and other such reports.

Corporate Secretary
An Indonesian Citizen, he was born in 1977 in Palembang. He obtained Bachelor of Economics degree from Tarumanagara University in 2000. Started his career as external auditor in Public Accountant Firm Johan Malonda & Co, he joined the Company since 2004 as Deputy Manager . Presently he holds position as the Corporate Secretary since 2005.