Curriculum Vitae of Candidate Director

Jakarta, 19th May 2016

In fulfilling the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Regulation No. 32/POJK.04/2014 dated 8th December 2014 on the Plan and Implementation of the General Meetings of Shareholders of the Publicly Listed Company Article 15 (7) on the appointment of a Board of Director, the Company has provided the curriculum vitae of the candidate for the Director’s position.

Curriculum Vitae of Candidate Directo

Nagarajah Sengaravih

Malaysian Citizen, he was born in Mallaca  1949. he attained his Bachelor Degree of Plantation Management from Malaya University, His working experience are as follow :

1970-1973 worked in Guthrie Chemara research station under statistics’ department
1973-1974 Underwent one year course in oil palm, rubber and management in Felda Institute.
1975-1986 Worked as field assistant in Felda settler’s scheme. From land clearingPlanting and harvesting of oil palm.
1987-1994 Assistant manager in oil palm plantation mature areain FELDA.
1994-1997 Estate Manager in oil palm and rubber plantation. Managing 3000 hectaresin FELDA.
1997-2005 Senior Estate Manager managing oil palm plantation of 6000 hectares and Experience in replanting of oil palm to oil palm and setting of oilPalm nursery for two hundred thousand seedlingsin FELDA.
I was awarded the best manager for the year 2004.
2006-Sekarang Plantation Consultant.
