Jakarta, 02 May 2018
In order to comply with the Financial Service Authority Regulation No.32/POJK/.04/2014 dated on December 08, 2014 regarding the Plan and Implementation of the General Meeting of Shareholders for Public Company, the provisions of Article 15 point (7) regarding the appointment of Director, the Company hereby announce the curriculum vitae of the candidate director of the Company :
Curriculum Vitae of Candidate Director
Chin Poh Peng
Born in Penang in the year 1959. Graduated from the Agriculture of University of Malaysia, Chin Poh Peng began his career in the Plantation Industry in Guthries, Malaysia since the year 1979 to 1997, working in rubber and oil palm plantations for 18 years from operations to Agronomy Advisor. He later joined Tropicrop Group as Plantation Consultant and CEO for 13years from 1997 to 2010. From there, he moved on to PT Smart Tbk (Sinarmas Group) as Head of the Agronomy Audit & Advisory from year 2011 to 2014 and later served as Managing Director of IMC Plantations from the year 2015 to 2016. After worked with IMC, he joined Sungai Bud Group as Head of Plantations to lead the Group`s plantations.
With more than 35 years of professional experience in the plantation industry, he has gone through the complete plantation cycle from planning to operations as well as seed technology and agronomy.
Curriculum Vitae of Candidate Director.
CV Murugaiah Periasamy
Born in Johor on November 14, 1950. Obtained his Executive Master degree in Plantation and Estate Management from Asia e University – Malaysia.
Began his career as Junior and Senior Conductor in Guthries – Malaysia sence 1972 until 1998.
Than began joined with Sungai Budi Group for almost 19 years and started his career at Sungai Budi Group as Plantation Manager since 1998 until 1999. In Estate Department since 1999 until 2004, as Plantation Coordinator since 2005 until 2010, as plantation controller since 2011 until 2014, as General Manager since 2015 until now.