
(Member of Sungai Budi Group)
Fully Integrated Eco Friendly And Low Cost
Producer of Crude Palm Oil With Vegetable Cooking Oil
And Other Vegetable Oil Downstreams
(Member of Sungai Budi Group)
Fully Integrated Eco Friendly And Low Cost
Producer of Crude Palm Oil With Vegetable Cooking Oil
And Other Vegetable Oil Downstreams
(“The Company”)

Dengan ini Direksi Perseroan mengumumkan ringkasan risalah Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (“Rapat”) Perseroan yang diselenggarakan di Ruang Legian 1 – Gran Melia Hotel, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said – Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, pada hari Kamis, tanggal 03 Desember 2015 pukul 10.20 WIB sampai dengan Pukul 10.45 WIB dalam rangka memenuhi Pasal 34 Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 32/POJK.04/2014 tanggal 8 Desember 2014 tentang Rencana dan Penyelenggaraan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Perusahaan Terbuka (selanjutnya disebut “POJK No. 32/2014”).
The Board of Directors of the Company hereby notifies the summary of the minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders (“Meeting”) of the Company which was held in Legian Room 1 – Gran Melia Hotel, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said – Kuningan, South Jakarta, on Thursday, dated December 03rd, 2015 at 10.20 WIB until 10.45 WIB, to fulfill the Article 34 Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 32/POJK.04/2014 dated December 08th, 2014 on the Plans and Conducts The General Meeting of Shareholders of a Public Company (hereinafter referred as “POJK No. 32/2014”).

Rapat dihadiri oleh:
The Meeting was attended by :

Direksi/ Director
Wakil Presiden Direktur

Deputy President Director : Sudarmo Tasmin

D i r e k t u r

Director : Djunaidi Nur
Oey Alfred


Pemegang Saham
Jason Indrian Winata selaku kuasa dari :

  • Widarto selaku pemilik 2.338.000 (dua juta tiga ratus tiga puluh delapan ribu) saham.
  • Santoso Winata selaku pemilik 2.338.000 (dua juta tiga ratus tiga puluh delapan ribu) saham.
  • PT Budi Delta Swakarya selaku pemilik 1.485.296.896 (satu milyar empat ratus delapan puluh lima juta dua ratus sembilan puluh enam ribu delapan ratus sembilan puluh enam) saham.
  • PT Sungai Budi selaku pemilik 1.414.929.596 (satu milyar empat ratus empat belas juta sembilan ratus dua puluh sembilan ribu lima ratus sembilan puluh enam) saham.

Masyarakat (Publik) selaku pemilik 1.637.284.098 (satu milyar enam ratus tiga puluh tujuh juta dua ratus delapan puluh empat ribu sembilan puluh delapan) saham.

The Shareholders
Jason Indrian Winata as a representative of :

  • Widarto as the owner of 2.338.000 (two million three hundred and thirty eight thousand) shares.
  • Santoso Winata as the owner of 2.338.000 (two million three hundred and thirty eight thousand) shares.
  • PT. Budi Delta Swakarya as the owner of 1.485.296.896 (one billion four hundred and eighty five million two hundred and ninety six thousand eight hundred and ninety six) shares.
  • PT. Sungai Budi as the owner of 1.414.929.596 (one billion four hundred and fourteen million nine hundred and twenty nine thousand five hundred and ninety six) shares.

Public, as the owner of 1.637.284.098 (one billion six hundred and thirty seven million two hundred and eighty four thousand ninety eight) shares.


Jumlah Saham Dengan Hak Suara Yang Sah Yang Hadir Pada Saat Rapat

Berdasarkan Daftar Pemegang Saham Perseroan per tanggal 10 Nopember 2015 sampai dengan pukul 16.00 WIB yang disusun oleh Biro Administrasi Efek Perseroan yaitu PT Adimitra Jasa Korpora, jumlah modal disetor Perseroan adalah sebanyak 5.342.098.939 (lima milyar tiga ratus empat puluh dua juta sembilan puluh delapan ribu sembilan ratus tiga puluh sembilan) saham, dan diantara jumlah saham tersebut terdapat treasury stock atau saham yang telah dibeli kembali oleh Perseroan sebanyak 16.781.200 (enam belas juta tujuh ratus delapan puluh satu ribu dua ratus) saham, maka sesuai daftar hadir pemegang saham dan kuasa pemegang saham dalam Rapat ini yang diterbitkan oleh Biro Administrasi Efek Perseroan serta memeriksa keabsahan dari surat-surat kuasa yang diberikan oleh Kuasa Pemegang saham Perseroan, total saham disetor dan yang mempunyai hak suara yang sah dalam Rapat yaitu 5.325.317.739 (lima milyar tiga ratus dua puluh lima juta tiga ratus tujuh belas ribu tujuh ratus tiga puluh sembilan) saham dan pemegang saham yang hadir atau diwakili dalam Rapat yaitu para pemegang saham yang mewakili sejumlah 4.542.186.590 (empat milyar lima ratus empat puluh dua juta seratus delapan puluh enam ribu lima ratus sembilan puluh) saham atau sebesar 85,29% (delapan puluh lima koma dua sembilan persen) dari total saham yang mempunyai hak suara yang sah dalam Rapat.

The Number of Shares That Have a Voting Right Who Attended the Meeting

According to the Shareholders List of the Company (“DPS”) on November 10th, 2015 until 16.00 WIB which complied by Company’s Securities Administration Bureau PT. Adimitra Jasa Korpora, the number of paid-up capital is 5.342.098.939 (five billion three hundred and fourty two million ninety eight thousand nine hundred and thirty nine) shares, and among the amount of the shares there are treasury stocks or stock that has been bought back by the Company as much as 16.781.200 (sixteen million seven hundred and eighty one thousand and two hundred) shares, in accordance the attendance list of the shareholders and their representatives in the Meeting which published by the Company’s Securities Administration and check the validity of the power of attorney letter which given by the representatives of the Company’s shareholders, the amount of the paid-up shares and have a voting right in the Meeting that is 5.325.317.739 (five billion three hundred and twenty five million three hundred and seventeen thousand seven hundred thirty nine) shares and the shareholders who attended or who represented in the Meeting were the shareholders who represent 4.542.186.590 (four billion five hundred and forty two million one hundred and eighty six thousand five hundred and ninety) shares or 85,29 % (eighty five point twenty nine percent) of total shares who are have a voting right which are valid in the Meeting.


Sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 8 ayat (1), Pasal 10 ayat (1) dan Pasal 13 ayat (1) POJK No. 32/2014 dan Pasal 12 ayat (2), (3) dan (4) Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, serta sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku termasuk ketentuan perundangan di Pasar Modal, Direksi Perseroan antara lain telah melakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut:

  1. Memberitahukan rencana akan diselenggarakannya Rapat kepada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (”OJK”) pada tanggal 20 Oktober 2015; dan
  2. Mengumumkan iklan pemberitahuan dan panggilan Rapat kepada para pemegang saham melalui 1 (satu) surat kabar harian berbahasa Indonesia yaitu harian “INVESTOR DAILY”. Iklan pemberitahuan terbit pada hari Selasa, tanggal 27 Oktober 2015 dan iklan panggilan terbit pada hari Rabu, tanggal 11 Nopember 2015. Iklan pemberitahuan dan iklan panggilan telah diumumkan juga melalui situs Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dan situs Perseroan ( dengan masing-masing tanggal sama dengan tanggal pada surat kabar tersebut di atas.

According to the provision of Article 8 point (1), Article 10 point (1) and Article 13 point (1) POJK No. 32/2014 and Article 12 point (2), (3) and (4) of The Article of Association of the Company, and according to the provision of the laws and regulations including the provisions of regulation in the Capital Market, the Board of Directors of the Company among others have done things as follows:

  1. Notify about the plan to conduct the Meeting to Financial Services Authority (”OJK”) on October 20th, 2015.
  2. Announced the advertising of the notice and invitation of the Meeting to the Shareholders through 1 (one) daily newspapers in Bahasa Indonesia which is “INVESTOR DAILY”. The advertising of the notice published on Tuesday, dated October 27th, 2015 and the advertising of the invitation published on Wednesday, November 11th, 2015. The advertising of the notice and the advertising of the invitation already announced through the website of Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) and the Company’s website ( with each date the same with the date of the newspapers mentioned above.


Dalam pembahasan setiap agenda Rapat, pemegang saham/kuasanya diberikan kesempatan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan yang sesuai dengan agenda Rapat yang dibicarakan.
In discussion of every agenda of the Meeting, the shareholders/its representatives were given a chance to ask questions related to the agenda of the Meeting which had been discussed.


Mekanisme pengambilan keputusan dalam Rapat adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Keputusan diambil dengan pemungutan suara yang dilakukan secara lisan dengan mengangkat tangan.
  2. Pemegang saham dan kuasa pemegang saham diharapkan untuk menghadiri Rapat sampai ditutupnya Rapat ini. Jika ada pemegang saham yang meninggalkan ruangan pada saat pemungutan suara dilakukan, maka yang bersangkutan dianggap menyetujui segala keputusan Rapat.

The Mechanism of the decision-making in the Meeting were as follows:

  1. The decision was taken by voting, which is conducted in verbally with a show of hands.
  2. Shareholders and their representatives are expected to attend the Meeting until the end. If any shareholders leave the Meeting during voting, then the relevant party is assumed to have agreed to all the Meeting’s decisions.


Rapat diselenggarakan dengan agenda sebagai berikut:

  • Persetujuan atas Perubahan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan khususnya terkait dengan maksud dan tujuan serta kegiatan usaha Perseroan.

The Meeting held with the agenda as follows :
The Approval of the changes of the Company’s Article of Association, particularly relating to the purpose and objective as well as business activities of the Company.


Hasil keputusan Rapat adalah sebagai berikut:

Jumlah Pemegang Saham Yang Bertanya : 0 (nol) saham

Hasil Pemungutan Suara :

– Setuju : 4.542.186.590 (empat milyar lima ratus empat puluh dua juta seratus delapan puluh enam ribu lima ratus sembilan puluh) persen) dari yang hadir. saham atau 85,29% (delapan puluh lima koma dua sembilan
– Abstain : 0 (nol) saham atau 0 (nol) % dari yang hadir.
– Tidak Setuju : 0 (nol) saham atau 0 (nol) % dari yang hadir.

Number of shareholder who ask the question : 0 share

Resolution of the Voting

Affirmative Votes : 4.542.186.590 (four billion five hundred and fourty two million one hundred and eighty six thousand five hundred and ninety) shares or 85,29% (eighty five point twenty nine percent) of that were present.
Abstain Votes : Abstain Votes : 0 (zero) share or 0% (zero percent) of that were present.
Disapproving Votes : 0 (zero) share or 0% (zero percent) of that were present.


Keputusan Rapat:

  1. Menyetujui perubahan Pasal 3 Anggaran Dasar Perseroan mengenai maksud dan tujuan serta kegiatan usaha Perseroan.
  2. Memberikan wewenang penuh dan kuasa dengan hak substitusi kepada Direksi Perseroan  untuk melaksanakan segala tindakan yang diperlukan dalam rangka pelaksanaan hal-hal yang diputuskan dalam Rapat ini, termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas untuk melakukan penyesuaian yang diwajibkan oleh instansi yang berwenang berkaitan dengan perubahan Maksud dan Tujuan Serta Kegiatan Usaha Perseroan, menyatakan kembali sebagian atau seluruh keputusan dalam agenda Rapat ini dalam suatu akta notaris, membuat atau meminta dibuatkan segala akta-akta, surat-surat maupun dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan, hadir di hadapan instansi yang berwenang, mengajukan permohonan kepada instansi yang berwenang dan memberitahukan Perubahan Anggaran Dasar kepada Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia dan/atau melaporkan hal tersebut kepada instansi yang berwenang serta melakukan pendaftaran maupun pengumuman sebagaimana disyaratkan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku satu dan lain hal tanpa ada yang dikecualikan.

Resolutions of the Meeting

  1. Approve the change of Article 3 of the Company’s Article of Association regarding the purpose and objective as well as the business activities of the Company.
  2. Give full authority and power to the Board of Director with the right of the substitution to do any necessary act in in order to implementation the matters that decided in this agenda of the Meeting, including but not limited to restate part or all of the decision in this agenda of the Meeting in a notary deed, make or ask to be made all deeds, letters or documents that is necessary and attend to the authorized institution, filed a petition to the authorized institution and to submit a notice regarding changes of the Company’s Article of Association to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Republic of Indonesia and/or to report it to the authorized institution as well as register and announcement as required in the laws and regulations one thing and another without any of being excluded.

Jakarta, 07 Desember 2015
PT Tunas Baru Lampung Tbk
Jakarta, December 07th, 2015
The Board of Directors